WordLogic is all about predictiveness and predictability. After all, it is becoming one of the leaders in predictive-input software technology. But perhaps even WordLogic could not have predicted the potential success that has fallen into its lap recently.
WordLogic’s innovative predictive-input software and its iKnowU keyboard have found some dynamic and powerful bedfellows recently, as the company has now built alliances with two of the largest companies in the world.
Last month, WordLogic (OTCQB: WLGC) was able to get iOS 8 approval for its iKnowU predictive keyboard technology from Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL), the largest tech company in the world with a market cap of about $650 billion. This approval means that WordLogic will remain at the forefront in the Apple ecosystem as “iDevice” users continue to get new devices or upgrade their OS from an older version. With the Apple seal of approval, WordLogic can now be poised to be the virtual keyboard choice on hundreds of millions of “iDevices” around the world.
More recently, WordLogic reached a major coup when it secured an exclusive-right agreement with General Electric Corp. (NYSE: GE) to monetize specific patented intellectual property (IP) from the company, which boasts a market cap of $250 billion. While the specific IP was not disclosed, considering the size and breadth of GE’s portfolio across multiple industries, WordLogic could be in position to generate some revenue by matching its predictive-text technology to the correlated patents by GE to create a new disruption in predictive software applications.
WordLogic seems to be moving in the right direction by aligning with major corporate powers like Apple and General Electric. With GE serving as a worldwide brand in many sectors of the international economy, and Apple being a strong international tech brand known for its touchscreen interface, WordLogic is positioning itself for growth that may be a reality just as quickly as it could be predicted.
For more information, visit www.wordlogic.com
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