Apolo Gold & Energy, Inc. — APLL
Stock Guru Profile: http://stockguru.com/profiles/apll/index.php
The President of Apolo Gold & Energy Inc., Peter Bojtos P.Eng, who is a consulting geologist spoke with Stock Guru today. He discussed the three exploration projects with which Apolo Gold & Energy is currently involved. He has colorful stories and interesting details about each operation. They are all in various states of progression.
For a quick recap for what’s coming up:
“NUP” Property
The “NUP” property is located in the rich area of Sumatra Indonesia; it is perfectly positioned to reap the benefits from the escalating gold price trend over the past two years.
“Beowawe” Property
The Company entered into an Exploration Agreement with Atna Resources Ltd wherein it can earn a 55% interest in the Beowawe Property, increasing to 70% with a bankable feasibility study. The Beowawe property encompasses one of the largest and hottest active hot springs systems in the Great Basin. Surficial sinters and near-surface siliceous veins are still being precipitated.
“Yingchang Gold Ore” Property
Memorandum of Understanding with Yingchang Gold Ore of Pingwu, Sichuan, Republic of China regarding the possible purchase of Yingchang’s rights to mine gold deposits in Pingwu, Sichuan, China. Yingchang has granted Apolo an exclusive period of 90 days to review miningdata and conduct whatever testing Apolo feels is necessary to assess the potential of the property