Data Call Technologies Inc., best known as one of the fastest growing members of the Digital Signage (DS) community, offers a wider range of digital signage related products than most people are aware of.
First and foremost, of course, is the company’s well-known ability to provide compelling content to help draw viewer attention to digital signs, thus increasing their effectiveness. By adding continuously updated weather, news, traffic, sports, financial, or other eye-catching elements to digital signage, DCT has changed the way people look at advertising. In fact, DCT Chairman, Jim Ammons, who also helped invent the first live wireless sports feed with the Associated Press, believes that digital signage is the single most explosive industry today and will change not only advertising, but the Internet itself.
But the company also provides other less known associated products and features that support its clients as they move into the relatively new world of digital signage. For example, using DCT’s Express Messaging, you can instantly send out news, promotional information, or anything else you need to communicate, to all of your digital signage locations across the globe, all with a simple click of a mouse. You can also customize Express Messaging, using a graphic banner and logo. And DCT’s new N-Tice product allows businesses to mobilize their brand, by broadcasting to mobile devices, including instantly updated metrics to track response.
If you’re brand new to digital signage, or need additional DS hardware, Data Call Technologies even provides flatscreen TV panels (37” to 42”), as well as stands and mounts. The company considers itself a one-stop shop, and will customize product packages, both software and hardware, to meet individual client requirements. It also caters to both manufacturers and end users.
Data Call Technologies sees digital signage as the future of advertising and mass communication, and has positioned itself as a critical component in the revolution.
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