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Social Media Goals

The rapid development of social media has outpaced the expectations of all but a handful of internet prophets. Nothing less than a parallel universe has had its genesis, flipping the social order on its head. In the early days of the internet, very few thought it worth using. Now, very few would consider living without it. Nevertheless, while using it for socializing has now become the norm, many business owners are only now realizing that the same applies to business communications. You’re much more likely to find and reach your target markets on social media platforms. Moreover, social media offers opportunities to move consumers to action in a way that radio, print and TV was not able to do. As a popular YouTube commercial asks, if a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a video worth?

Social media marketing is a bit like courting. First impressions matter a great deal, but the follow up is equally important. Your landing pages must attract and excite, offering a welcome surprise to a browser. Dynamism is vital. Next week, that same landing page should not be the same. Boring! Who wants a date that repeats the same sweet nothings every time? Create a sense of vitality by regularly adding new content. If you don’t have the time, we can do it for you. As a bonus, remember that search engines will rank your pages higher if they detect changes, since they’re always on the search for original content.

You can turn this whole social media shebang around. A big plan requires just a small effort. Start the planning process by setting out your long-term and short-term goals. The QS team will let you know the elements that are essential to constructing a successful campaign. We have not just the technical proficiencies, such as writing, photo editing and video production, but also the creative talent to use these skills effectively. We can take the pulse of your market segment, and tell you what they will find funny… or offensive.

At QualityStocks, we’ve got the lingo down and the resources to pull off a great campaign. We’re great at first impressions and even better at courting. Whether you are an established company or an emerging one, you can use social media to enhance shareholder engagement, improve corporate communications and make investors aware of the value of your organization.

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