Campaign Strategy

You may be acutely conscious of how important it is to have a social media strategy in place but simply don’t know how to go about creating one. Have no fear; the longest journey begins with the first step, which, in this instance, is defining your objectives – what you want and how you intend to achieve it. Those long- and short-term goals for social media platforms may include:

  • Launching a new product or service
  • Building your brand
  • Improving your search engine rankings
  • Establishing a reputation as an authority in a certain niche
  • Building a list of fans, followers, customers and patrons

There’s more than meets the eye to managing a social media campaign across several platforms, however. Innovative new approaches to communicating with your fans and potential customers are constantly arising, and they offer a variety of techniques and devices to find and connect with your clientele.

Familiarity as a personal user with social media is not the same thing as being able to use those media channels to achieve marketing objectives. If so, a majority of the 2.6 billion global users (Statista) of social media would be savvy marketers. We know that they are not. Social media marketing is not for amateurs. Professionals, who understand how to use the sophisticated tools available today, should handle your campaign.

Social media, done effectively, can enhance brand reputation tremendously. After Cadbury posted a photo of a giant thumbs up constructed out of their famous chocolate bars as a thank you gesture to fans for one million likes, another 40,000 signed up as followers very quickly. A combination of thumb and chocolate is, apparently, irresistible. Again, to highlight its work in underdeveloped countries, the charity WATERisLIFE, instead of focusing on its challenges, posted a list of first world complaints, such as “I hate it when my phone charger is too short” and “I hate it when I go to the bathroom and forget my phone”. The video it published went viral, amassing over a million views the day it was released. It’s very likely that the organization saw an up tick in donations.

At QualityStocks, we understand the relevance of social media in today’s business marketplace, since we’ve been using it for more than a decade. Social media marketing is something we take seriously for each and every client, as well as our own brand. We are active participants in the trends, changes and abilities of social media and know exactly how to use it for you. Contact us, any time.

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