How Do I Get Information About Micro-Cap Stock Companies?
You can get trading information, the number of outstanding shares, market cap size, EPS, exchange information, L2s, charts, news, company info, financials, filings and more by entering a symbol in the company search. The company search is accessible from the icon. You can also find information on the Pink Sheets website or contact the company directly.
To view financial reports and corporate filings filed with the Security Exchange Commission (SEC), you should visit the EDGAR website. If you cannot find the company on EDGAR or get information from the company, you can contact your state securities regulator, which should give you access to the most recent reports that the company has filed with its regulators.
What Is EDGAR?
EDGAR, or the Electronic Data Gathering and Retrieval system of the SEC, allows companies to both file their own financial reports and access the corporate filings of other companies. The EDGAR system can be accessed from the Security Exchange Commission’s (SEC) website.