USA Superior Energy Holdings, Inc. (USSU.OB) Plans Drilling Program for 333 Acre Lease in Zavalla County, Texas

USA Superior Energy Holdings, Inc. (USSU) applies new technologies to oil and gas fields as well as other industries. USA Superior Energy’s focus has been on developing and utilizing complimentary technologies; Nitrogen (N2) and cased hole horizontal drilling, and seeks to use these technologies independently or in combination to exploit business opportunities.

USA Superior Energy has renegotiated the 333 acre “Rust Lease,” in Zavalla County, Texas and expects to begin drilling wells with 20 acre to 40 acre spacing this year. The depth of the drilling at the desired pay zone is 3,500 to 4,000 feet keeping in line with the company’s focus on shallow wells.

Much of the composition of the field at the Rust Lease is volcanic lava which is pushed up into the overlying beds as serpentine plugs. This causes structural traps for oil and gas in the sediment above. In analyzing the lease, gas samples are extracted from 30 inches underground in a grid pattern every 300 feet. The gas is analyzed using a gas chromatagraph capable of reading individual gas components. Each sample station’s value is mapped for each individual gas component to determine the area of leaking hydrocarbons. Positive results should show large values and a clustering of large values within a definable area.

John Sandy, the chief geologist of Geochemical Exploration Services Inc., said, “These are very strong values and some of the strongest seen in 100+ surveys we have done in the Zavalla County area over the past 15 years. The readings indicate a strong probability of gas and condensate.”

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