Stock Guru Featured Client: Sports Pouch Beverage Company, Inc. (SPBV.PK)

Sports Pouch Beverage Company, Inc. (SPBV.PK) produces pull-push beverage spout technology and liquid pouch packaging. The company also develops and produces new beverage brands and owns the trademark name “All American Sports Pouch.”

Sports Pouch Beverage Company’s pouch beverage packaging eliminates frequent consumer usage problems such as difficulty in opening, spillage when opening, loss of straw, and the inability to seal and save the beverage for later use. The company is also positioned to perform the roles of manufacturer and co-packer. With their pouch packaging technology, co-packing, manufacturing, new brand beverage line, and established distribution contacts, Sports Pouch will be able to offer competitive pricing.

Sports Pouch Beverage Company plans to sell its pull-push beverage pouches to grocery and food/beverage distributor wholesalers. Sports Pouch’s market strategy first includes the Southern California and Southern Nevada areas. They plan to expand their distribution to all of the U.S., Mexico, Canada, and Central-South America. The company has a patent pending for the Sports Pouch Beverage package.

Let us hear your thoughts: Sports Pouch Beverage Company, Inc.

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