Alliance Recovery Corp.’s (ARVY.OB) Tires to Energy Process Gives Towns and Cities an Environmentally Safe Way to Dispose of Tires

Recently a township in Wexford County Michigan, The Haring Township, received a landfill bill of almost $15,000 – double what it had been in past years. The township disposed 222 tires at a cost of $2 a piece. A Haring township clerk stated, “It just seemed excessive, this is more than double the rates we paid before, it seems like an ungodly amount for this township to pay.”

As Americans annually dump millions of pounds of rubber waste, Alliance Recovery has developed a proprietary way of converting this rubber waste into efficient and safe energy. Not only does the company’s process produce power it is also environmentally safe allowing for safe disposal of the rubber waste material with almost no residual bi-products. This is all done through a thermal conversion of the rubber waste.

The process at the Alliance’s conversion plants creates four revenue streams for the company. First when the tires are brought in, revenue is generated by environmentally safe disposal of the rubber waste. Then once the rubber waste has been converted to oil it is used to push alternators that produce electricity that is sold to the power grid. During the conversion process however Steel and Carbon Black is created as Bi-Product which can be sold in the open commodity market. Finally the hot air produced during the process along with CO2 can be used to grow greenhouse crops to be sold on the agrarian markets.

Through the company’s process people can feel good knowing that the tires are safely disposed of and can be utilized to enrich the community with energy, materials, and agrarian goods. They are delivering not only freedom from an increasingly unstable oil supply, but also an environmentally safe way of disposing of America’s rubber waste.

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