Rebuilder Medical Technology, Inc (RBRM.PK) Ready to Kick-Start Marketing Arm

When patients with underserved medical conditions ask why there isn’t a treatment for [fill in the blank]… there isn’t often an answer waiting. As 2008 gets underway, a medical research and devise manufacture is answering with… we can help.

Rebuilder Medical Technology, Inc., a medical research and devise manufacturer, offers products designed to address underserved medical conditions. Current direct internet marketing channels have proven to be successful with the company reporting a positive position. Short term marketing goals have been readdressed and will soon be aimed at expanding marketing channels toward placing leading products directly with physicians.

The company’s flag ship products, oriented toward underserved medical markets with exceptional growth potential, include a FDA approved diabetic foot and leg stimulator/measurement tool called REBUILDER and a dermatological treatment called the Phillips Moluscum Treatment and Prevention System designed to address transmutable skin disease found in an estimated 17% of US children.

Initial future marketing plans include offering the diabetic neuropathy device to physicians at no charge but with a per use fee. The skin disease product will be marketed directly toward doctors. More aggressive marketing tactics will be the focus of coming quarters and are expected to offer a proportionally stable revenue stream.

Although diabetic and skin products may be the most visible of the company’s products, it does offer a full line of medical items that have, to date, missed their marketing potential. Oral care products and other full product offerings are currently meeting development target dates and should be available soon. Rebuilder Medical Technology appears to have a solid product base in place and is committed to increased product potential through more aggressive marketing of its products.

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