GlobalWise Investments, Inc. (GWIV) and The Future Of The Cloud

Cloud technology has exploded upon the world relatively recently, being increasingly accepted as a fundamental shift in the way that the power of computer processing and associated communications can be used. Various forms of cloud processing have begun to work their way into almost every industry, making it hard to consider the notion, also being increasingly accepted, that the term “cloud computing” could, in the not too distant future, effectively vanish. The disappearance of the term may or may not actually happen, but there seems to be little doubt that processing power and processed data will eventually become so completely decentralized as to make specific reference to the technology largely unnecessary.

The evolution is not unlike that of microcomputers, the integration of the processing and memory aspects of a computer onto a single microprocessor chip, making possible the small personal computers that created a global industry and changed our industrialized lifestyle. The technology is so common and pervasive today that the the term microcomputer, popular in the 1970s and 1980s, is now seldom used.

The potential of cloud technology to redefine the way we work with information is no less foundational. Already, cloud technology is revolutionizing the information user experience, driving the sale of tablets and other on-the-go devices. Although we still tend to depend upon keyboards for heavy volume input, interfaces will no doubt change, providing even greater user flexibility and mobility. Imagine a world where, through some hyper-advanced combination of cloud and device technologies, being connected to a world of processing power and information is as easy as putting on a shirt, with no keyboards, no screens, no speakers, and yet complete and instant input and output of all types whenever and wherever needed.

 GlobalWise Investments and its Intellinetics subsidiary represent the beginning of that evolution. The company offers Intellivue, a sophisticated ECM (Enterprise Content Management) system that allows any organization to integrate document management and access capabilities with their existing systems. Most importantly, it can be used in a cloud-based configuration that provides secured access to company documents on a 24/7 basis from anywhere in the world. The idea is that the user won’t even have to think about the technology behind the capability, but will simply have all of the answers whenever and wherever needed.

 For information on GlobalWise and its subsidiary Intellinetics, visit www.GlobalWiseInvestments.com and www.Intellinetics.com.

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