China Health Resource Inc. (CHRI.OB) Focused on Medicinal Benefits of Sichuan Angelica

 Through its subsidiary Suining Yinfa DAR Industrial Co., Ltd. (DAR Industrial), the company engages in production, processing, selling and marketing the Chinese herb, Angelica Root. The company says that the herbal medicine market is extremely large, representing $27 billion dollars in the US and the EU. On top of this, the markets are expected to grow at rate of up to 30%.

Many know the root for its medicinal powers. It is used to relieve pain, cure many diseases and lower blood pressure. The company is always investigating new novel uses for their medicinal herbs though intensive research. They are focused on bringing at least four new varieties of Sichuan Angelica to the market every year.

The company was instrumental in implementing a (DAR) standard utilized by European Union countries. This enables the company to participate in Global markets and become an industry leader worldwide. They are located in the Suining province where 70% of National production of the Sichuan Angelica root comes from China. This unique environment and prevalence of technology help ensure that the company’s medicines are GAP certified.

They intend to continue improving production standards and enlarging growing areas that meet GAP standards. A continued effort to produce the highest quality seeds with the lowest amount of defects is the company’s 1# priority. They believe that national marketing campaigns will increase the medicinal medicine market share of Sichuan Angelica by 40%-80%. The company is committed to the further commercialization of the Angelica root and its expansion into the Global marketplace.

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